Keyword: brute force, modulo
Scan through 30 mph to 60 mph, and use an array to record which speed can be used.
A certain speed is said to be OK if no red light is encountered in the way, and use a for loop and mod operator to check that.
After the scan, output the speed value or range as specified.
1. Notice the moment when yellow light turned to red.
2. Since the position is a floating number, you have to use fmod() for mod operation.
int main()
int light, t = 0, g[ 6 ], y[ 6 ], r[ 6 ];
double loc[ 6 ];
while( scanf( "%d", &light ) && light != -1 )
bool invalid[ 61 ] = { false };
int out = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < light; ++i )
scanf( "%lf %d %d %d", loc+i, g+i, y+i, r+i );
for( int speed = 30; speed <= 60; ++speed )
for( int i = 0; i < light; ++i )
if( fmod( loc[ i ] * 3600 / speed, g[ i ] + y[ i ] + r[ i ] ) > g[ i ] + y[ i ] )
invalid[ speed ] = true;
printf( "Case %d:", ++t );
for( int i = 30; i <= 60; ++i )
if( !invalid[ i ] )
int end = std::find( invalid+i, invalid+61, true ) - invalid;
if( i == end-1 )
printf( " %d", i );
printf( " %d-%d", i, end-1 ), i = end;
putchar( std::find( invalid+end, invalid+61, false ) == invalid+61? '\n' : ',' );
if( !out )
puts( " No acceptable speeds." );
return 0;