2013年9月15日 星期日

UVA 490 - Rotating Sentences

Problem link

Keyword: array manipulation


After you get one line of input from stdin, put all characters into an array of strings.
For example, if this is your first line, put all letters into array[ n ][ 0 ], and array[ n ][ 1 ] for the second.
When the input is over, fill in blanks into each line.
By the way, the sample output in the problem is wrong. There should be a space after "r" line and "e" line.


int main()
    char out[ 100 ][ 101 ], in[ 100 ][ 101 ];
    int i = 0, max = 0;
    memset( out, 0, sizeof( out ) );
    memset( in, 0, sizeof( in ) );

    while( gets( in[ i ] ) )
        max = std::max( max, (int)strlen( in[ i++ ] ) );
    for( int k = i-1; k >= 0; --k )
        for( int l = 0; l < max; ++l )
            out[ l ][ i - k - 1 ] = in[ k ][ l ]? in[ k ][ l ] : ' ';
    for( int k = 0; k < max; ++k )
        puts( out[ k ] );

    return 0;

