step 1. 下載程式並解壓縮 LINK
step 3. 同意變更電腦 (只有Vista以上才會出現這個畫面)
step 4. 選擇語言
step 5. 選擇作業系統
step 6. 複製網卡卡號,如果你的電腦比較特殊它找不到的話那麼只好請你勞駕命令提示字元來找了
step 7. 接著會問你想不想開啟註冊宿網的網頁,請打入yes或no (這裡為了版面所以打no跳過網頁部份,想註冊IP的請打yes)
step 8. 輸入IP
step 9. 完成
目前Windows 8可能執行上會有一些問題,若你無法執行成功,麻煩請依這裡的設定方法設定,並向我回報bug,謝謝
#include<fstream> #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; fstream io; int lang; bool all_0( char *a ) { for( int i = 0; i <= 16; ++i ) if( i % 3 != 2 && a[ i ] != '0' ) return false; return true; } void get_addr() { char word[ 1024 ] = { 0 }; system( "ipconfig /all > addr.txt" ); FILE *file = fopen( "addr.txt", "r" ); search: if( lang == 1 ) while( fscanf( file, "%s", word ) != EOF && strcmp( word, "區域連線" ) && strcmp( word, "區域連線:" ) && strcmp( word, "乙太網路" ) && strcmp( word, "乙太網路:" ) ); else while( fscanf( file, "%s", word ) != EOF && strcmp( word, "local" ) && strcmp( word, "local" ) && strcmp( word, "ethernet" ) && strcmp( word, "Ethernet" ) ); while( fscanf( file, "%s", word ) != EOF && ( !( word[ 2 ] == '-' && word[ 5 ] == '-' && word[ 8 ] == '-' && word[ 11 ] == '-' && word[ 14 ] == '-' && strlen( word ) == 17 ) || all_0( word ) ) ) if( !strcmp( word, "VPN" ) || !strcmp( word, "virtual" ) || !strcmp( word, "Virtual" ) || !strcmp( word, "Bluetooth" ) ) goto search; word[ 2 ] = word[ 5 ] = word[ 8 ] = word[ 11 ] = word[ 14 ] = ':'; if( word[ 2 ] == ':' && word[ 5 ] == ':' && word[ 8 ] == ':' && word[ 11 ] == ':' && strlen( word ) == 17 ) io << endl << word << endl; else io << "Sorry, I couldn't find your MAC address.\nYou may use command prompt to get it.\n"; io.close(); fclose( file ); system( "notepad mac.txt" ); system( "del /F mac.txt addr.txt" ); } void set8() { int a, b; char cmd[ 1024 ]; scanf( "%*d.%*d.%d.%d", &a, &b ); if( lang == 1 ) sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 set address name=\"乙太網路\" source=static address=140.119.%d.%d mask= gateway=140.119.%d.254", a, b, a ); else sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 set address name=\"Ethernet\" source=static address=140.119.%d.%d mask= gateway=140.119.%d.254", a, b, a ); system( cmd ); if( lang == 1 ) sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=\"乙太網路\" address= index=1" ); else sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=\"Ethernet\" address= index=1" ); system( cmd ); if( lang == 1 ) sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=\"乙太網路\" address= index=2" ); else sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=\"Ethernet\" address= index=2" ); system( cmd ); } void set() { int a, b; char cmd[ 1024 ]; scanf( "%*d.%*d.%d.%d", &a, &b ); if( lang == 1 ) sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 set address \"區域連線\" static 140.119.%d.%d 140.119.%d.254\n", a, b, a ); else sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 set address \"local area connection\" static 140.119.%d.%d 140.119.%d.254\n", a, b, a ); system( cmd ); if( lang == 1 ) sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 set dnsservers name=\"區域連線\" static primary" ); else sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 set dnsservers name=\"local area connection\" static primary" ); system( cmd ); if( lang == 1 ) sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 add dnsservers name=\"區域連線\" index=2" ); else sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ipv4 add dnsservers name=\"local area connection\" index=2" ); system( cmd ); } void setxp() { int a, b; char cmd[ 1024 ]; scanf( "%*d.%*d.%d.%d", &a, &b ); if( lang == 1 ) sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ip set address \"區域連線\" static 140.119.%d.%d 140.119.%d.254 1\n", a, b, a ); else sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ip set address \"local area connection\" static 140.119.%d.%d 140.119.%d.254 1\n", a, b, a ); system( cmd ); if( lang == 1 ) sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ip set dns \"區域連線\" static" ); else sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ip set dns \"local area connection\" static" ); system( cmd ); if( lang == 1 ) sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ip add dns \"區域連線\"" ); else sprintf( cmd, "netsh interface ip add dns \"local area connection\"" ); system( cmd ); } int main() { int os; string open; system( "@echo off" ); io.open( "mac.txt", fstream::in | fstream::out | fstream::app ); cout << "請選語言 Select language: \n1)中文 2)English\n"; cin >> lang; if( lang == 1 ) cout << "您的作業系統是? 1)XP 2)Vista 3)7 4)8\n"; else cout << "What's your operating system? 1)XP 2)Vista 3)7 4)8\n"; cin >> os; if( lang == 1 ) io << "這是你的卡號,請直接複製此卡號\n關閉後將出現宿網註冊頁面\n"; else io << "\nThe following is your MAC address. Please copy this to your clipboard.\nIP registration page will show up after this file is closed.\n"; get_addr(); again: if( lang == 1 ) cout << "是否開啟註冊註冊頁面? (yes/no)" << endl; else cout << "Would you like to open ip registration page? (yes/no)" << endl; cin >> open; if( open == "yes" ) system( "start http://flow2.nccu.edu.tw/Reg/stulogin.php" ); else if( open != "no" ) { cout << "Please enter yes or no\n"; goto again; } if( lang == 1 ) cout << "輸入您方才註冊好的宿網IP: "; else cout << "Enter the IP address you just got from NCCU: "; cout << "\nExample:\n"; if( os == 2 || os == 3 ) set(); else if( os == 1 ) setxp(); else if( os == 4 ) set8(); if( lang == 1 ) cout << "設定完成 :D\n"; else cout << "Configuration successful! :D\n"; system( "pause" ); return 0; }