Keyword: bignum, modulo, base coversion
First, use strtol() to get the number to perform on modulo operation.
Next, use a for loop to find the remainder after operation.
Last, transform the answer to the specified base.
int main()
int base;
char n[ 1001 ], m[ 10 ];
while( scanf( "%d", &base ) && base )
scanf( "%s %s", n, m );
int mod = strtol( m, NULL, base ), len = strlen( n ), ans = 0, i = 0;
char print[ 1000 ] = { 0 };
for( int i = 0; n[ i ]; ++i )
n[ i ] -= '0';
for( int i = 0; i < len; ++i )
ans *= base;
ans += n[ i ];
ans %= mod;
if( ans == 0 )
puts( "0" );
while( ans )
print[ i++ ] = ans % base + '0';
ans /= base;
std::reverse( print, print+i );
puts( print );
return 0;