2013年10月6日 星期日

UVa 409 - Excuses, Excuses!

Problem link

Keyword: string


Record how many keywords are there in an excuse.
Find out the highest frequency.
Output those with that frequency.

int show( char key[][ 71 ], char *str, int quant )
    int match = 0, cmp;
    char *ptr;
    for( int i = 0; i < quant; ++i )
        for( ptr = str, cmp = 0; *ptr && key[ i ][ cmp ]; ++ptr )
            if( !isalpha( *ptr ) )
                if( tolower( *ptr ) == tolower( key[ i ][ cmp ] ) )
        if( !key[ i ][ cmp ] )
    return match;

int main()
    int key, exc, t = 0;
    char word[ 20 ][ 71 ] = { 0 }, excuse[ 20 ][ 71 ] = { 0 }, ans[ 20 ][ 71 ] = { 0 };

    while( scanf( "%d %d\n", &key, &exc ) != EOF )
        int max = 0, out = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < key; ++i )
            gets( word[ i ] );
        for( int i = 0; i < exc; ++i )
            int now = 0;
            gets( excuse[ i ] );
            for( int j = 0; excuse[ i ][ j ]; ++j )
                now += show( word, excuse[ i ]+j, key );
            if( now == max )
                strcpy( ans[ out++ ], excuse[ i ] );
            else if( now > max )
                strcpy( ans[ 0 ], excuse[ i ] ), max = now, out = 1;
        printf( "Excuse Set #%d\n", ++t );
        for( int i = 0; i < out; ++i )
            puts( ans[ i ] );
        puts( "" );

    return 0;

