2013年10月10日 星期四

UVa 107 - The Cat in the Hat

Problem link

Keyword: brute force, math


Maybe there's a better solution, but I chose this one.
I tried all possible N and check if this N is correct or not.
A number is said to be correct if log( input ) / log( N ) is an integer and the number of working cats is the same as given one.
However, if you want to use log function, take care of precision error.

bool ok( int init, int h )
    while( init % h == 0 )
        init /= h;
    return init == 1;
int lev( int init, int h )
    int dep = 0;
    while( init != 1 )
        init /= h, ++dep;
    return dep;
int pow( int base, int exp )
    int back = base;
    for( int i = 2; i <= exp; ++i )
        back *= base;
    return back;

int main()
    int N, init, work, level;

    while( scanf( "%d %d", &init, &work ) && init+work )
        for( N = 1; N < init; ++N )
            if( ok( init, N+1 ) )
                if( pow( N, level = lev( init, N+1 ) ) == work )
        int idle = N == 1? level : ( pow( N, level ) - 1 ) / ( N-1 ), h = work + init;
        for( int i = level-1; i; --i )
            h += init / pow( N+1, i ) * pow( N, i );
        if( init != 1 )
            printf( "%d %d\n", idle, h );
            printf( "%d %d\n", 1-work, 1 );

    return 0;

