2013年9月7日 星期六

UVa 10780 - Again Prime? No Time.

Problem link

Keyword: factors, DP


First you have to find how many prime factors are there in a certain number and how many times. For example, 4 has a prime factor 2 and 2 times of 2.
Then, add from 1 to N to calculate the number of prime factors in N!.
Now the problem is almost done! Divide the quantity of each prime factors of N! by the specified and find out the expo.

int t, fact, base, single[ 10000 ][ 10000 ] = { { 0 } }, cum[ 10000 ][ 10000 ] = { { 0 } };
//notice when fact = 1!!!!!!
int main()
    for( int i = 2; i < 10000; ++i )
        for( int j = 2, tmp = i; tmp != 1; ++j )
            while( tmp % j == 0 )
                tmp /= j, ++single[ i ][ j ];
        for( int j = 2; j <= i; ++j )
            cum[ i ][ j ] = cum[ i-1 ][ j ] + single[ i ][ j ];
    scanf( "%d", &t );

    for( int i = 1; i <= t; ++i )
        int ans = 1e9;
        scanf( "%d %d", &base, &fact );
        for( int k = 2; k <= base && ans; ++k )
            if( single[ base ][ k ] )
                ans = std::min( ans, cum[ fact ][ k ] / single[ base ][ k ] );
        if( !ans )
            printf( "Case %d:\nImpossible to divide\n", i );
            printf( "Case %d:\n%d\n", i, ans );
    return 0;

