Keyword: physics - movement
The algorithm is quite naive. We just need to use
- V0 + a*t = VE
- VE^2 = V0^2 + 2*a*s
By these 2 formulae, we can solve what was required easily.
#include<cstdio> #include<cmath> int main() { int T = 0, Case; double u, v, t, a, s; while( scanf( "%d", &Case ) && Case ) { if( Case == 1 ) { scanf( "%lf %lf %lf", &u, &v, &t ); printf( "Case %d: %.3f %.3f\n", ++T, ( u+v ) * t / 2,( v-u ) / t ); } else if( Case == 2 ) { scanf( "%lf %lf %lf", &u, &v, &a ); printf( "Case %d: %.3f %.3f\n", ++T, ( u+v ) * ( v-u ) / a / 2, ( v-u ) / a ); } else if( Case == 3 ) { scanf( "%lf %lf %lf", &u, &a, &s ); printf( "Case %d: %.3f %.3f\n", ++T, sqrt( u*u + 2*a*s ), ( sqrt( u*u + 2*a*s )-u ) / a ); } else { scanf( "%lf %lf %lf", &v, &a, &s ); printf( "Case %d: %.3f %.3f\n", ++T, sqrt( v*v - 2*a*s ), ( v-sqrt( v*v - 2*a*s ) ) / a ); } } }