2013年10月6日 星期日

UVa 294 - Divisors

Problem link

Keyword: brute force


Because the upper-bound for this problem is so big, pre-calculation seems impratical.
Therefore, we have to count the factor using brute force method. (The range is not too big and we can afford to do that in time limit.)
Find the factor from 1~sqrt(N), when we can divide N by that factor, we add 2 to the solution (i and N/i.)
Subtract 1 from the solution if N is a perfect square number.

int factor( int n )
    int root = sqrt( n ), ans = 2;
    for( int i = 2; i <= root; ++i )
        if( n % i == 0 )
            ans += 2;
    return root * root == n? ans-1 : ans;

int main()
    int t, low, high, ans, div, fact;
    scanf( "%d", &t );

    while( t-- )
        int now = 0;
        scanf( "%d %d", &low, &high );
        for( int i = low; i <= high; ++i )
            if( ( fact = factor( i ) ) > now )
                ans = i, now = fact;
        printf( "Between %d and %d, %d has a maximum of %d divisors.\n", low, high, ans, now );

    return 0;

